Become a Fecc member

Fecc Membership is open to European National Associations representing chemical distribution and trade, and to individual companies engaged in trade, distribution or import of chemicals.

If you want to become a member of Fecc and take advantage of the benefits it entails you can download the application form:
National association membershipCompany membershipAssociate membership

Once you have filled in the application form, send it to the Fecc Secretariat:

Dorothee Arns
Director General
Rue du Luxembourg 16B
B – 1000 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 679 02 60

The Fecc members are committed to comply with the Fecc Statutes and By-laws, including the Fecc governance and compliance policy.


Have a voice in European policy development

Get registration discounts for a series of major conferences, which are closely linked to distribution or related topics such as digitalization, chemical industry segments, international trade, etc.

Benefit from unrivalled networking opportunities with other Fecc Members, Business leaders, key stakeholders and representatives from the EU Institutions
Access to key Industry information, track EU developments and relevant legislation
Raise your Company’s profile through Fecc’s communications tools (Fecc Website, Newsletter and others)
Obtain discounts for all Fecc events (Seminars, Workshops, Annual Congress)
Take advantage of the Fecc Working Committees’ expertise


Fecc membership includes 39 companies, 15 national associations and 9 associate and affiliated members.

If you want to become a member of Fecc and take advantage of the benefits it entails you can download the application form:

National Associations
National Associations represent chemical distribution and trade in their respective European countries.

Company Members
Company Members are chemical distributors with a centre of operations in one of the European countries.

Associate Members
Associate Members are European companies or associations engaged in producing chemicals.