
European Commission: Re-open EU

Latest updates on travel and transport in the EU

The European Commission’s Re-open EU web platform provides real-time information on borders and available means of transport and tourism services in the EU Member States. To get the latest information click on EU Re-Open Platform or on the European Commission’s website.

In addition to the Re-open EU web platform, the European Commission, DG MOVE, provides targeted information about measures affecting the transport sector by country: please, see the following link on European nations’ transport measures.

Another useful source of information is provided by the International Transport Forum (ITF – OECD): European nations’ road transport measures.

For global transport & logistics, it is recommended to consult the regulatory updated United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Observatory on border crossings: Global border crossings status.


COVID-19: Safety / Safe Restart – Lessons learnt

Be Smart: Safe Restart: Restarting Chemical Production Facilities Post COVID-19 Restrictions

To address the current situation, the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) developed a guidance document, “Be Smart: Safe Restart: Restarting Chemical Production Facilities Post COVID-19 Restrictions,” intended to prompt owners and operators of chemical production facilities to consider how the unique circumstances created by COVID-19 may have impacted their ability to restart safely.

The document highlights the importance for facility operators to conduct a pre-startup safety review, to reassess hazards that may exist due to any changes that occurred during the shutdown period. 

Download the guidance document (in multiple languages)

Do’s & Don’ts

At the workplace

Fecc is committed to support our members in the confinement fight against COVID-19. Apart from the guidance and documents available to our members in a dedicated COVID-19 corner on the members’ area, we are glad to share this COVID-19 dos & don´ts poster to stop the virus spread. Ready-for-print on A3 and to be displayed everywhere. Available in multiple languages.
Download the poster
How to use face masks

To make your life easier and give you some basic guidance around face masks, at Fecc we have screened the relevant communication from official sources and condensed it in the following infographics:

  • which type of face mask is useful – Fecc infographic, based on official guidance
  • how to put your face mask on and off – official WHO infographic
  • how to clean your face mask for optimal protection – Fecc infographic, based on official guidance.

The visuals which Fecc has developed, you can print out in A3 format to display it as poster in changing rooms, visitors´ reception areas, coffee corners, control rooms, or wherever else people may meet.

Download the posters

Visitors’ leaflet

To save your time and efforts, Fecc has designed a visitors’ leaflet template, printable in A5 format that you can print and share to remind your visitors of COVID-19 hygiene and distancing measures. 
You can find the leaflet ready to print in English and in Spanish.

Download the A5 leaflet

Checklists: No chance for Omicron

The Omicron variation of the Corona virus is spreading at an extremely high pace in many countries in Europe and world-wide. To be properly prepared, Fecc shares this checklist, which covers a variety of recommendations to make work places and processes “Coronavirus-proof”.

The measures laid-out in the guidance are not legally binding and might not all be applicable to all companies. Nonetheless, the documentation of in total more than 20 pages contains many useful recommendations.

We encourage you to still skim through the attached checklists, to which we condensed and converted the OSHA guidance – as a sort of refresher after 3 weeks of COVID-19 dynamics, i.e.

  1. General recommendations for minimising exposure to COVID-19 at work (work set-up and processes, supplies & deliveries, generic hygiene recommendations, face masks)
  2. Coping with a high rate of absence
  3. Taking care of workers who have been ill
  4. Managing staff working from home
  5. What, if … (e.g. someone feels unwell at the workplace or your company is faced with assumed or confirmed COVID-19 infections).

Download the checklists

Checklists: Back to work guidance 

OSHA (= Europe´s Occupational Safety and Health Agency, a part of the EU Commission) has issued a comprehensive guidance titled “COVID-19: Back to the workplace”, which covers a variety of recommendations to make work places and processes “Coronavirus-proof”, now that lockdown measures start to get lifted in many European countries.

The measures laid-out in the guidance are not legally binding and might not all be applicable to all companies. Nonetheless, the documentation of in total more than 20 pages contains many useful recommendations.

We encourage you to still skim through the attached checklists, to which we condensed and converted the OSHA guidance – as a sort of refresher after 3 weeks of COVID-19 dynamics, i.e.

  1. General recommendations for minimising exposure to COVID-19 at work (work set-up and processes, supplies & deliveries, generic hygiene recommendations, face masks)
  2. Coping with a high rate of absence
  3. Taking care of workers who have been ill
  4. Managing staff working from home
  5. What, if … (e.g. someone feels unwell at the workplace or your company is faced with assumed or confirmed COVID-19 infections).

Download the checklists


Chemical distribution explained

A warm thank you to the chemical distribution companies who are working tirelessly to produce and deliver disinfectants, biocides and sanitizers, active ingredients for medicines, food ingredients and safe packaging, building block to produce PPEs, medical devices and other medical supplies. And to all the people who ensure our safety for its huge effort to work during these critical times.


Source: EU-OSHA
Covid 19
COVID-19 and distribution
The interactive map gives you an overview by EU country on the chemical distribution sector seen as system-relevant. This is only a snapshot of the current situation, not claiming to be complete and subject to ongoing changes as the crisis evolves.
COVID-19: Guidance on fast-tracking disinfectants

Guidance on fast-tracking disinfectants

At the initiative of A.I.S.E. (the International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products), EBPF (the European Biocidal Products Forum, a sector group of CEFIC) and Fecc, a Cross-Industry Alliance on biocides in times of COVID-19 was created. Together they have worked on a ‘Practical Guide’ for fast-tracking the availability of disinfectants in order to help fight the pandemic. This guide aims to assist companies in complying with their obligations under the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) and equivalent national laws on biocides during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Download the guide

COVID-19: European solidarity in action

Coronavirus: European solidarity in action

Across the European Union, countries, regions and cities are stretching out a helping hand to neighbours, helping those most in need. For this reason, the European Commission has made available a collection of materials, which include the following:

Visit the web page on the european commission’s website