Annual Polyethylene and Polypropylene Conference 2024
32nd Annual Polyethylene and Polypropylene (PEPP) Conference 2024
17–18 June 2024| Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Navigating Through Disruption, Transition and Transformation.
The global PE and PP industry is facing disruptive realities. Unprecedented overcapacity amid slowing demand growth will continue to depress operating rates and compress profitability through the value chain. European players face withering cost pressure due to the Russian gas supply ban and additional challenges from circularity, and energy transition that require a long term strategic reset.
At the 32nd Annual PEPP conference, all these broad industry themes will be discussed. In addition, subject matter experts and industry thought leaders will share their views on cyclical & structural factors and different scenario outcomes.
Dorothee Arns, Fecc Director General, will be a speaker at this event on 18th June in Session 3: Market & Disruptions, presenting the topic: "Navigating VUCA – The Evolving Role of Traders and Distributors".
Special discounts for Fecc members are available. Use the code provided in dedicated members communications (or contact us to get it) to avail of a 20% discount when registering.