
Fecc/Accountancy Europe webinar: SME Sustainability – first steps towards corporate sustainability reporting


FECC/ACCOUNTANCY EUROPE WEBINAR: SME Sustainability – first steps towards corporate sustainability reporting
Co-organizer: Accountancy Europe
Location: Online
12 July 2023, 11h00-11h45 CET
Register here 

No, this is not a webinar for accountants, but for everyone who wishes to get an idea plus useful tips & tricks on how to access the new reporting obligations for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). “Accountancy Europe “ is a Brussels-based association, which is consulting many SMEs in the same situation and with the same questions as we hear from our own members.

Hence, we trust you will find your well invested in this webinar, which will cover the following topics:

  • what to expect from Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD),
  • how and which steps can be made already into the green transition,
  • which steps to make even before report submission,
  • how not to get overloaded with rising amount of the reporting nowadays,
  • how to re-use information that is already required for ESG-reporting, and
  • a Q&A session.

Mr. Paul Gisby, Professional Services Director at Accountancy Europe, will examine the pressures on SMEs to green their business, what opportunities this could provide to smaller businesses and Accountancy Europe’s work to assist SMEs with their green transition.”

The event is open to Fecc members and company members of Fecc’s National Associations.