
Fecc presenting at the 2019 European Petrochemicals Conference

S&P Global Platts European Petrochemicals conference

28-29 November, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Safeguarding the future of Olefins and Aromatics through volatility: This year's S&P Global Platts European Petrochemicals conference has a strong focus on safeguarding the future of the petrochemicals industry -- from cracker investment, the growth in hedging and the effects of IMO 2020, to how the circular economy could transform the industry.

The conference will include presentations, discussions and case studies from Borealis, the IEA, Indian Oil Co., Macquarie, Neste, Petronas.
Fecc Director General, Dorothee Arns will give a presentation on 'Petrochemicals & downstream users in a low-carbon, circular Europe'.

For more information, contact the Fecc Secretariat or visit the conference website.

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